Friday, October 17, 2008


This week, I was reading a book called Forensics. It was all about, you guessed it: Forensic science. I really like that kind of stuff. When I grow up I would LOVE to be a forensic scientist. I learned that the average adult has 10 to 12 pints of blood in their body. If you have ever watched CSI or a show like that, you know that they refer to something called IAFIS (sounds like a-fis) I never knew what they meant by it but apparentally, IAFIS(Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is where fingerprints are processed. I also learned that a single strand of human hair can tell race, body area, length, root type (naturally shed/forcibly removed), and any artificial treatment, damage, or disease of the person whom it belongs to. I just find all this extremely fascinating.

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